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Saturday 25 April 2015



Anthony Francis Fernandes or more known as Tan Sri Tony Fernandes was born on 30th April 1964 in Kuala Lumpur. His father, Stephen Edward was a doctor while her mother, Eva Dorothy, was an entrepreneur. As an ordinary man, he also owns the attitude that stimulate him to move forward. The characteristics inherent in himself is always being foresight, initiative decisive, versatility and ethical consciousness.

                                                ( Tan Sri Dato’ Sri’ Tony Fernandes )

To be an entrepreneur, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes are more likely to her mother. During his childhood moment, he loves to follow her mother who active on selling Tupperware brands. Even though his father owns a clinic, but he dislikes the way on how his father managed the business. These are due to kindhearted of their parents giving free treatments to the patient (Ong, 2014).

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes having his early education in Epson College, United Kingdom at the age of 13. Being far from family at the young is not a best situation. During his studies in United Kingdom, he got a bad news all far from Malaysia, which is his mother had passed away. Due to the high price of flights tickets, he are not able to be back in Malaysia to see his mother for the last time.

Referring on his situations at the moment, he had monologue to himself that ‘ how I wish there were an low cost airlines who offer low price tickets and affordable for all peoples’. By monologue that, Tony is actually has the foresight to having low cost carrier at the young age. Where, at the young age, it’s still young to think about it.

Before Tony’s mother passed away, his mother really hope to see Tony further his study in medic. Unfortunately, Tony is not interested to continue his father’s legacy. He are more decisive or his decision to study on business. To avoid himself to being in to medic school, he makes sure that he fail on his A-level examination. By that, he can further his studies in London School of Economics (LSE) in London. Due to his decisive traits, he had been offered to works at Virgin Airlines after getting his degree in 1987 (Tan Sri Dato' Sri Tony Fernandes, 2011).

Before set up the AirAsia company, he has been works as an auditor in Virgin Airlines. He has been promoted to be the financial manager in Virgin Records due to his hard works. Virgin Records is one of the music company who manage and taking care of few popular international artiste such as Roy Orbison and Janet Jackson. Tony was so active in entertainment industry during his working period there. Besides, he also can play the music instruments nicely.

After ending the contracts with Virgin Records, Tony Fernandes joined the Warner Music Group. Tony has been chosen to be promoted as the Managing Director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. It was not an easy to be promoted as thousand workers are in the company is working longer than him. Eventhough he is the youngest MD, but him able to make revolution of Malaysian music industry.

Lots of singers are being popular during his time holding the position as Managing Director of Warner Music (Malaysia). More awards and achievement in music industry has been achieved during the period. These are showing that Tony is also versatility in being good in business management and also music industry. 

Tony started his business in established the AirAsia company in year 2001. It was after the resigning from the Warner Music (Malaysia). The idea and intention of build a new low-cost carrier was appear when he saw an advertisement of a low-cost carrier in London. The Easyjet advertisement has push him to move forward to achieve his dream until him able to be stayed in the airport for two days just to see on how they operated.

Due to ethical consciousness, he started on planning to build AirAsia. Tony get to know that they were only 6 percent of Malaysian who ever feel and experienced on being ride in a plane. Based on a research also, he knew that Malaysian people are loves to travel but they are spending more than they monthly income to travel. So, he knows that once he opened the business, it wills never loss. The demand will always there. Nevertheless, he able to fulfill Malaysian and others to travel by using airplane.

Proceed to build a new company of low-cost carrier is not an easy. In his effort to get the license of the air transport to starts his business, he failed to get it few times. But, he never gives up. He turns to his initiative traits and find another way to get the license. Due to his hard effort, Tony finally gets a chance to meet the prime minister at the moment, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to discuss about it.

Once he able to meet Tun, he received a bad news. It was the license are not being issued anymore by the ministry. It quite disappointed for Tony. As Tun see his hardwork and initiative to really build the company, Tun suggested to Tony to take over an airline company. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad made the decision as he knew that Tony doesn’t have any experienced in the airline industry.

                 ( From left Tan Sri Dato’ Sri’ Tony Fernandes & Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad )

Tony finally managed to take over the AirAsia company which it is one of the company under DRB-Hicom. During the moment he took over the AirAsia, it having a total debt amount about 11 million US Dollar. Besides, there have only had 2 old airplanes to be used. Tony still using his initiative traits to build the company even though he know that it will be quite difficult as the company have a big total number of debt.

Being an entrepreneur, there’s no such shortcut way to be success. After experienced all the hard period and gone through the hardest part, now AirAsia being a well-known and popular company. It just not involve in domestic departures but also international. Hence, AirAsia have the branch outside Malaysia such as in Australia and Thailand. From just having 2 planes, now AirAsia managed to have hundreds of it. AirAsia is also being promoted with the tagline ‘Now, Everyone Can Fly’.

                                                ( One of the Tune Hotels in Johor )

Based on the text, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes is a good and excellent entrepreneur. Without having foresight, decisive, versatility, ethical consciousness and initiative traits, he might not be able to be on what he has now. Tony Fernandes now being well-known because AirAsia and his involvement in music industry. Lastly, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tony Fernandes are also built the Tune Group and build the Tune Hotel for the easy usage of people and as one of the other business to improve his company to be more success.


Ong, Y. (2014). Malaysia 50 richest. Retrieved from Forbes:

Tan Sri Dato' Sri Tony Fernandes. (2011, December 11). Retrieved from Usahawan Jaya:

Tuesday 21 April 2015




         Foresight is the ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future. This is an important value in them as an entrepreneur because it allows them to view even further to develop its business. This value lies within Tan Sri Shahril Shamsuddin, the CEO of SapuraKencana Petroluem.

( Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin)

       Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin is an oil and gas entrepreneur. Starting in nineteens area, Shahril who was then aged 30 years has begun to take leadership Member Company of his father. Shahril believes that he wants to achieve greater success because it has become part of his character. He makes his father as his mentor  (Xandria Ooi, 2013). Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin see his father, who worked hard with one goal, which is to provide education to their children, and it became the impetus for him to be like his father. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin also make Balqis Musa (Ingress Corp Bhd executive director) and Khoo Soo Keong as his mentor  (Xandria Ooi, 2013).

        On this day, SapuraKencana has a market capitalization of RM22 billion, assets worth RM15 billion and a staff of 11,000 employees. However Shahril doesn’t  to build a giant company. His initial intention is to build an organization that has a high technical strength and provide the best value to our customers. He was a far-sighted because it would establish a large organization but no quality. He more focus on the quality of work undertaken by its members. He and his group members gather and meet not think about what services are offered in Malaysia. At the end of the nineties, almost no company oil and gas services provider, while the country is an oil producer.

( SapuraKencana Petroleum )

The results of the discussion are Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin and his team members had form a great team and fill the gaps. Many companies when was interested in IT, but they came out of the field and entering the field of oil and gas  (SapuraKencana Gushes Profits for Billionaire Shahril Shamsuddin, 2014). Not many people who understand the business at that time. He was very foresight because out of the field of IT and ultimately chose the field of oil and gas that has the potential to grow.

        SapuraKencana has able to grow rapidly due of the relationship with a particular party. He said it was his job to know a lot of people because they provide services in the 20 largest countries. SapuraKencana largest market is Brazil, which now covers 60 % of the existing order (Say, 2013). Besides, SapuraKencana able to complete the task because it has a good work record. He was very foresight because of much focused on the completion of existing contracts. He and his team will work to enhance the. This should make sure there is no mistake and detrimental to the party giving credence to them. They will continue working to strengthen its position and get more contract.


SapuraKencana Gushes Profits for Billionaire Shahril Shamsuddin. (2014, February 26). Retrieved from Forbes Asia:

Say, T. L. (2013, December 28). Tan Sri Shahril Shamsuddin-President and group chief executive of SapuraKencana Petroluem Bhd. Retrieved from The Star Online:

Xandria Ooi, T. L. (2013, October 12). Shahril- Rich But Down To Earth. Retrieved from The Star Online:

Sunday 19 April 2015




Ethical is one of the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. In other words, ethical also referring to dealing with moral values. While consciousness state of being awake and aware of one’s surrounding. So in entrepreneur side, ethical consciousness is the awareness and being awake of an entrepreneur to fulfill customer needs in few ways.

(Dato’ Aliff Syukri Kamarzaman)

The CEO of D’Herbs Healthy Marketing, Dato’ Aliff Syukri Kamarzaman is one of the Malaysian entrepreneurs having on ethical consciousness traits. Dato’ Aliff was born on 3rd April 1987 and has been graduated from Taylor College. Not all people know that he is the son of one well-known business person, Rozita Ibrahim, the founder of Sendayu Tinggi. To build his own company, Dato’ Aliff has made her mother as his mentor.

D’ Herbs Marketing was built on September 2010 at a small lot shop with only having a workers and only four types of products at the time being (Profil : Background CEO, 2014). As the time move, the company is being developed to a much better, bigger and had being one of the well-known beauty-health product companies.

D’ Herbs hold the mission, is to help those women and men who suffer from internet and external health problems to appear with greater confidence and style. In other words, to help outsiders increase their confidence level (Profil : Background CEO, 2014). In addition, Dato’ Aliff want to help outsider to earns more lucrative to sell the products of D’Herbs. Due to their mission, Dato’ Aliff create more products to fulfill their missions.

( Some products of D’Herbs )

Due to the ethical consciousness, he creates more products with high benefit at a reasonable price. The price of all D’ Herbs products are not too expensive compare to other beauty-health products such as Ephyra and Pamoga. Even the price was quite low, but the benefit was still the same as the other products. D’ Herbs product is suitable for all ages range. Not just producing adults supplement, they also have supplements to increase body immune.

In conclusion, due to ethical consciousness, Dato’ Aliff Syukri has made its company mission to increase high confidence level of customer succed. So, without ethical concsciousness, it might be Dato’ Aliff will not be able to become one of the youngest well-known and success entrepreneur.


Profil : Background CEO. (2014). Retrieved from D'HERBS HEALTHY SDN BHD Official Website:

Saturday 18 April 2015




       In General, people do not escape from doing various mistakes in life. The ability to learn from mistakes carry the meaning of the ability of a person to take heed and find ways and strategies so that the mistakes will not be repeated again. It’s not an easy to move forward with mistakes that had been done. But, there’s always a way to improve it.
       In the context of the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur is able to take heed from any mistakes that happen next review the implementation plan and build new strategies. This can be mature entrepreneurs to make better decisions in the future. Dato’ Yusuf Taiyoob is one of the entrepreneurs who never give up and always learn from the mistakes in building his company strength.

( Dato’ Yusuf Taiyoob )

      Dato’ Yusuf Taiyoob is the CEO of Yusuf Taiyoob Sdn Bhd. He started join into the business field at his age of 19. Being an businessman at the young age is not an easy. He had experienced lots of failure but he never give up. Dato’ Yusuf started his business with produce and selling perfume at Bayan Lepas International Airport (Hairul, 2011).

          His perfume business was at good place at the starting. Unfortunately, handle a business is not an easy. His perfume business go through bankruptcy phase. At the moment, Dato’ Yusuf can accept the facts. His health has declined as he ever experienced blood vomited due to the over stressed. The bankruptcy of his first business made his family worried about his health.

          Waking up from the failure, he realize that his first business move to bankruptcy due to his own failure in managing. Dato’ Yusuf hold his motto life of 'do not like working with other people or becoming employees but prefer to be the boss even had to go through many difficulties and bitter experiences' (Up Close with... Datuk Yusuf Taiyoob, The Date Whisperer, 2013). He planned the strategies of build another business. From these, he started selling the entire Sunnah product especially on dates.

          Even though realizing that he will meet with competitors, but he believes that once having loyal customers and high quality product, it may remain his business. Facing other competitors that have much experience doesn’t affect his goals (Up Close with... Datuk Yusuf Taiyoob, The Date Whisperer, 2013).

Furthermore, Dato ' Yusuf Taiyoob tells that he has been involved in this business for 30 years and had facing critical experience. It happens when his first time carry out business dates. Due to the overly trusting manufacturer and supplier from Iran, two containers (40 tons) dates imported received in bad quality. So he ran to Iran and talk to the supply (Hairul, 2011). Now, he can supply few types of dates to Malaysian and other countries.

( Dato’ Yusuf Taiyoob and some of his products )

     As a result, without facing failure, Dato’ Yusuf might not be able to stand on what he are now. Even, if he doesn’t have the ability to learn from mistakes, all the business that he tried to involve will not be success like now.


Hairul, M. (2011, August 11). Siapakah Yusuf Taiyoob? Retrieved from hairulPhoto:

Up Close with... Datuk Yusuf Taiyoob, The Date Whisperer. (2013, July 4). Retrieved from




The meaning for perceptiveness is having the ability to perceive, keen in discernment and also marked by discernment and understanding,sensitive. To perceive is to be aware, and someone perceptive is considered very aware, smart, and insightful. Therefore, to act perceptively is to show smarts and understanding. The word perceptively describes actions that show great understanding and sensitivity to people and situations.  (Perceptively, 2014)
       ( Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahamad )

Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahamad, aged 69 Years is showing perceptiveness traits in his entrepreneurial life. She comes from Egypt and is now hold the Managing Director of the Company Faiza Sdn. Bhd. By having her own shop, she began to learn to recognize different types of rice. Before selling rice, she had to go from one shop to another to get feedback on whether they would buy if she sells her rice.

On a positive response, Faiza apply for a license wholesalers and sell various types including ponni rice, basmati rice, fragrant rice and Siam. With involvement in the production of these products it provides an option for her  to get a high quality product and is without doubt her legal status. Faiza owned company currently distributes over 21 brands of rice in the country, including the best known, "Herbal Ponni Taj Mahal" and its subsidiaries, namely Faiza Marketing Sdn Bhd is involved in the manufacture of various types of spices including curry spices King, spices and latest Bukhari, rendang spices  (Azzahar, 2015).

The spices business of Faiza started on the 1968, when founder of Faiza Marketing was formerly known as Syarikat Faiza, the CEO, Faiza Bawumi herself, formulated its own traditional heritage “home-made blends” recipes (Faiza Marketing Official Website, 2007). During the time being, she was more into ‘try and error’ recipes and was produced with a limited quantity. It was only been sold to close relatives and friends for gaining a feedback.

Since then, the journey through the open door has begun as the market demand shows positive growth for the following years (Faiza Marketing Official Website, 2007) . That was at this time when Faiza was divined to formed independent business unit to spearhead the spice business strategically. Thus, in 1998 Faiza Marketing Sdn. Bhd. (FMSB) was incorporated and her daughter, Mrs. Najwa Abu Bakar was the in charge person who works tirelessly to spread the wing in marketing and manufacturing a wide range of the spices product, as we can see to where it is now (Adzhi, 2013).  

Nowadays, theres a total number of more than 20 types of products. Based on its proper promotion channel, FAIZA spices  has become one of the most trusted household brand name throughout the region (Faiza Marketing Official Website, 2007). The popular tagline of Faiza is the ‘Hygiene & Quality’.  At FMSB, customer’s satisfaction is always their utmost priority. As usual, customers is important to them. In conclusion, without perceptiveness traits applied by Faiza Bawumi into her business, Faiza Marketing and its product will not be a well-known product.


Adzhi, M. A. (2013, August 20). Faiza Marketing Sdn Bhd. Retrieved from Mango B2B:

Azzahar, M. S. (2015, March). Faiza Bawumi, Succesful Rice Entrepreneur. Retrieved from Talk Talk Entrepreneur:

Faiza Marketing Official Website. (2007, February 26). Retrieved from About Us Faiza:
Perceptively. (2014, February 22). Retrieved from

Tuesday 14 April 2015




           Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. This include of each level of the responsibility that has its own requirements. Competence may occur in any period of a person's life or at any stage of his or her career (Dictionary : Competence, 2007). Meanwhile, time competence refers to the ability of a person managing their daily time, the ability to manage time and appreciate the nature of time. From the aspects of entrepreneurship, high time competence is important because it is one of traits encouraged in person to be successfull.

( Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong )

            A successful entrepreneur and one of the richest in Malaysia who have a sense of time competence is Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong. He were very strict when it comes into time. Tan Sri is the founder and former president of Genting Group lifetime. He died in 2007 as Southeast Asia's richest person with assets worth RM 421.8 billion. Lim Goh Tong was the fifth of seven children of Lim Shi Quan (a seed merchants in China) and Goh Ban.

He had a brother, 3 sisters, a brother, and a sister. His father died when Lim Goh Tong was only 16 years until he was forced to quit school and took over his father's business. With the support of her mother and brother, Lim Goh Tong began working in Malaysia at 19 years old. He started living in Malaysia by working as a carpenter. It continues with the strategy of start trading tools and machinery used, to invest their profits in the mining business and small plantations.

Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, is a man that adopt timely made. He will arrive 10 minutes early from time that has been promised. He himself never breaks a promise that he made. Due of this attitude,it affects to a positive relationships that have been built. Tan Sri also practice wake up early and went to sleep late, said his workers (Tribute : Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, 2007). Overall, many chinese people successful in  intrepreneur because they work 18 hour perday. Same goes to Tan Sri. He only have a limited time to wind down. That is why he strict about time because he appreciate every single time that he had.

( First World Hotel, Genting )

            Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong ever worked two shifts throughout the week in order to save costs. He and his friends had experiences lived in forests and caves . He was the first to work on shifts 24 hours a day throughout the week to ensure his ambition achieved. He will also be the first to get to work and be the last man to come home from work. He is always taking care of its employees and assumes that all employees are his most valuable asset (Rahsia Kejayaan Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, 2013). Now, First World Hotel is one of the largest hotels in the world build by his hardwork. All about him is time. He manage his time in a day to be a successful man as he achieve today. To conclude,he is very suitable to be label as a time competence entreprenuer.


Dictionary : Competence. (2007, September 16). Retrieved from Bussiness Dictionary:

Rahsia Kejayaan Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong. (2013). Retrieved from

Tribute : Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong. (2007). Asiatic Development Berhad - Annual Report 2007, 2.




According to the second edition of ‘Kamus Pelajar’ decisive can be defined as an attitude that cling to the stand and do not hesitate to opinion and assertion that was made. In other words, decisive means conclusive that can’t be amended again, for sure. This decisive trait has been clearly demonstrated by a prominent businessman Tan Sri Azman Hashim, who is also the main director of the AmBank Group.

( Tan Sri Azman Hashim )

Tan Sri Azman Hashim received his early education at Methodist College in Cambridge Senior Boy's School in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur and finish it until highschool. Born in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur, Azman has been involved and familiarized himself with the world of accountants started in Messrs. Haines OL & Co. Australia in 1955 (Bowie, 2014). He started his career as an accountant at Bank Negara Malaysia for four years.

After few years, he took the courageous step of resigning in the BNM to set up his own accounting firm named Azman, Wong, Salleh & Co. As a coherent and efficient in doing things, he was offered a position as CEO of Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) (Tay, 2013). At the same time, Maybank facing huge problems and immediately he sold his interest in the accounting firm and become a full-time member of the bank even though it will suffer on more higher risk.

Tan Sri Azman is a decisive and far-sighted person. Due to his far-sighted and did not hesitate with the decision, its made the firm of Azman, Wong, Salleh & Co more strong and stable (Resources Centre, 2000). Consequently, Tan Sri Azman has successfully opened a large bank network in Southeast Asia for 10 years with the introduction of computing systems.

( The AmBank Group )

Deck and determination he possessed in the world of entrepreneurship, Tan Sri Azman had bought Arab Malaysian Merchant Bank, known as AmBank and subsequently was appointed as chairman. On this day, the great empire Tan Sri Azman Hashim has been covering the financial, real estate, manufacturing, and broadcast by some companies listed on Bursa Malaysia (Bowie, 2014). Adhering to the principle where the principle was expressly takes her as leaders of the richest and successful entrepreneur, with an estimated net worth RM543.6 million.

As the conclusion, Tan Sri Azman Hashim is not just a decisive, but also far-sighted person. Just imagine if he is not being decisive, he might not be one of the richest man in Malaysia. Even, the AmBank group also will not be able to stand at what it had now.


Bowie, D. D. (2014). The Entrepreneur Banker : Tan Sri Azman Hashim. Kuala Lumpur: Paady Schubert Sdn Bhd.

Resources Centre. (2000, February 2). Retrieved from National Archives of Malaysia:

Tay, Y. H. (2013, October 11). Entrepreneurial Talk Series : Tan Sri Azman Hashim. Retrieved from UTAR Centre of company and Intelligent Systems:

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