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Saturday 25 April 2015



Anthony Francis Fernandes or more known as Tan Sri Tony Fernandes was born on 30th April 1964 in Kuala Lumpur. His father, Stephen Edward was a doctor while her mother, Eva Dorothy, was an entrepreneur. As an ordinary man, he also owns the attitude that stimulate him to move forward. The characteristics inherent in himself is always being foresight, initiative decisive, versatility and ethical consciousness.

                                                ( Tan Sri Dato’ Sri’ Tony Fernandes )

To be an entrepreneur, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes are more likely to her mother. During his childhood moment, he loves to follow her mother who active on selling Tupperware brands. Even though his father owns a clinic, but he dislikes the way on how his father managed the business. These are due to kindhearted of their parents giving free treatments to the patient (Ong, 2014).

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes having his early education in Epson College, United Kingdom at the age of 13. Being far from family at the young is not a best situation. During his studies in United Kingdom, he got a bad news all far from Malaysia, which is his mother had passed away. Due to the high price of flights tickets, he are not able to be back in Malaysia to see his mother for the last time.

Referring on his situations at the moment, he had monologue to himself that ‘ how I wish there were an low cost airlines who offer low price tickets and affordable for all peoples’. By monologue that, Tony is actually has the foresight to having low cost carrier at the young age. Where, at the young age, it’s still young to think about it.

Before Tony’s mother passed away, his mother really hope to see Tony further his study in medic. Unfortunately, Tony is not interested to continue his father’s legacy. He are more decisive or his decision to study on business. To avoid himself to being in to medic school, he makes sure that he fail on his A-level examination. By that, he can further his studies in London School of Economics (LSE) in London. Due to his decisive traits, he had been offered to works at Virgin Airlines after getting his degree in 1987 (Tan Sri Dato' Sri Tony Fernandes, 2011).

Before set up the AirAsia company, he has been works as an auditor in Virgin Airlines. He has been promoted to be the financial manager in Virgin Records due to his hard works. Virgin Records is one of the music company who manage and taking care of few popular international artiste such as Roy Orbison and Janet Jackson. Tony was so active in entertainment industry during his working period there. Besides, he also can play the music instruments nicely.

After ending the contracts with Virgin Records, Tony Fernandes joined the Warner Music Group. Tony has been chosen to be promoted as the Managing Director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. It was not an easy to be promoted as thousand workers are in the company is working longer than him. Eventhough he is the youngest MD, but him able to make revolution of Malaysian music industry.

Lots of singers are being popular during his time holding the position as Managing Director of Warner Music (Malaysia). More awards and achievement in music industry has been achieved during the period. These are showing that Tony is also versatility in being good in business management and also music industry. 

Tony started his business in established the AirAsia company in year 2001. It was after the resigning from the Warner Music (Malaysia). The idea and intention of build a new low-cost carrier was appear when he saw an advertisement of a low-cost carrier in London. The Easyjet advertisement has push him to move forward to achieve his dream until him able to be stayed in the airport for two days just to see on how they operated.

Due to ethical consciousness, he started on planning to build AirAsia. Tony get to know that they were only 6 percent of Malaysian who ever feel and experienced on being ride in a plane. Based on a research also, he knew that Malaysian people are loves to travel but they are spending more than they monthly income to travel. So, he knows that once he opened the business, it wills never loss. The demand will always there. Nevertheless, he able to fulfill Malaysian and others to travel by using airplane.

Proceed to build a new company of low-cost carrier is not an easy. In his effort to get the license of the air transport to starts his business, he failed to get it few times. But, he never gives up. He turns to his initiative traits and find another way to get the license. Due to his hard effort, Tony finally gets a chance to meet the prime minister at the moment, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to discuss about it.

Once he able to meet Tun, he received a bad news. It was the license are not being issued anymore by the ministry. It quite disappointed for Tony. As Tun see his hardwork and initiative to really build the company, Tun suggested to Tony to take over an airline company. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad made the decision as he knew that Tony doesn’t have any experienced in the airline industry.

                 ( From left Tan Sri Dato’ Sri’ Tony Fernandes & Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad )

Tony finally managed to take over the AirAsia company which it is one of the company under DRB-Hicom. During the moment he took over the AirAsia, it having a total debt amount about 11 million US Dollar. Besides, there have only had 2 old airplanes to be used. Tony still using his initiative traits to build the company even though he know that it will be quite difficult as the company have a big total number of debt.

Being an entrepreneur, there’s no such shortcut way to be success. After experienced all the hard period and gone through the hardest part, now AirAsia being a well-known and popular company. It just not involve in domestic departures but also international. Hence, AirAsia have the branch outside Malaysia such as in Australia and Thailand. From just having 2 planes, now AirAsia managed to have hundreds of it. AirAsia is also being promoted with the tagline ‘Now, Everyone Can Fly’.

                                                ( One of the Tune Hotels in Johor )

Based on the text, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes is a good and excellent entrepreneur. Without having foresight, decisive, versatility, ethical consciousness and initiative traits, he might not be able to be on what he has now. Tony Fernandes now being well-known because AirAsia and his involvement in music industry. Lastly, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tony Fernandes are also built the Tune Group and build the Tune Hotel for the easy usage of people and as one of the other business to improve his company to be more success.


Ong, Y. (2014). Malaysia 50 richest. Retrieved from Forbes:

Tan Sri Dato' Sri Tony Fernandes. (2011, December 11). Retrieved from Usahawan Jaya:

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